Mount and blade warband slave trader
Mount and blade warband slave trader

I totally didn’t expect this would happen.

mount and blade warband slave trader

At first, he did not believe what was going on but then sent his illegitimate son Egil to join the warband to know more investigate about Haha. Then, Haha met the Danish king, King Horik and talked about Jarl Sigurd in the wilderness. Solveig, a Norwegian female warrior joined Haha’s warband and became one of his close friend after fighting off the robbers. Later, after conversation with Bodo and the rest of the members in the warband, Haha found out his mother is still alive and all he needed to do is to rescue her.Īfter rescuing Bodo in the surprise attack there were a robbery (or assassination) attempt on Haha near Svar’s Hideout. However, after rescuing the slaves, Haha’s mom weren’t there! Only two female slave and Bodo, one of the passenger that sailed along Haha and his mom were there. In the end, the surprise attack worked and the warband successfully took it down turned it into a refugee camp. It could have been a “slave purchase” if members of the warband weren’t as passion as crushing Svar. Haha and his warband launched a surprise to attack Svar’s Hideout. Gladly, Haha found it through trading with the port master. It is discreet to travellers and commoners so they can’t find their base accidentally. It is located at the center of Denmark, away from towns and castles. The port master is a trustworthy person and told Haha about the location of Svar’s Hideout.

mount and blade warband slave trader

In return, some Irish Christian kingdoms enraged and see Haha and his men as one of the aggressive pirate warbands.Īfter all of the drama in Ireland, Haha eventually sailed back to Ribe and met with the port master. However, that book is very important to that church so Haha only can take it after threatened the Abbot of Gleann Da Loch.

mount and blade warband slave trader

Hence so he and his crew sailed to Ireland, and asked Gleann Da Loch for the book “ The Cathach of Colum Cille“. Although Haha made some fortune from the wine and wool trade in Frisia, this large sum of money is still a burden for Haha. When Haha asks the port master where Bull Neck’s Hideout is, the port master told Haha to get a book for him from a church called Gleann Da Loch in Ireland, or pay 10,000 gold for the information. Of course, there aren’t free lunch in this world. If Haha can find the hideout, he then can rescue his mother. That reason is the port master of Ribe actually knows where Svar Bull Neck’s Hideout is. There’s another reason why Haha wanted to visit Ribe, other than selling wine he purchased from Dorestead earlier. It filled with local residents, merchants, shipbuilders and raiders came back from work.

mount and blade warband slave trader

Ribe is one of the busiest port in North Europe. After Haha was exiled from Frisia, he and his warband sailed to Ribe, Denmark.

Mount and blade warband slave trader